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The procurement, storing and sale of such plastic

“No camping activity shall be carried out in the entire belt of Kaudilaya to Rishikesh and the government will abide by its statement before the tribunal on March 31, 2015, till the regulatory regime in terms of this judgment comes into force and is effectively implemented,” a bench headed by the NGT chairperson, Justice Swatanter Kumar, said.For better surveillance and control, the panel constituted a committee of officials from both various departments of the Central government and the Uttarakhand government to prepare a regulatory regime which should be submitted to the tribunal in three weeks. Sajwan, directed the Uttarakhand government (in coordination with the ministry of textiles) to provide bio-degradable materials including jute bags and other such items which can be permitted in the entire segment.

The tribunal imposed a complete ban on the use of any plastic items, medical waste, municipal waste, construction and demolition waste into Ganga and its tributaries.NGT allows rafting, Rs 5,000 fine for hotels spewing wasteIn a slew of measures to keep the river Ganga free from pollution, the National Green Tribunal Thursday banned camping activity in the entire belt of Kaudiyala to Rishikesh on the Ganga’s banks in Uttarakhand till a regulatory regime comes into force.“Under no circumstances, plastic carry bags of any thickness whatsoever would be permitted.The bench also made it obligatory on every person to whom a permit/licence for camping is granted by the state to collect the municipal solid waste or other wastes from the sites at their own غير مجاز مي باشدt and ensure its transportation to the identified sites for dumping. The tribunal also banned the use of plastic from Gomukh to Hardwar along the Ganga from February 1, 2016, imposing a Rs 5,000 penalty on all erring hotels, dharamshalas and ashrams spewing waste into the river.Noting that rafting does not cause any serious pollution of the river or environment, the panel permtted this activity to be carried on with immediate effect.

According to the panel, China flexible packaging films Suppliers the Rapid Impact Assessment Report shall be treated as a relevant document and the committee will conduct or get conducted a further survey to satisfy itself.The NGT said violators will have to pay environmental compensation at the rate of Rs 5,000 per incident in the entire belt covered under the order.” The bench, that also comprises judicial member M. Nambiar and expert members D.K. The procurement, storing and sale of such plastic bags, plates, glasses, spoons etc are hereby prohibited,” the bench said, adding: “These restrictions would become operative with effect from February 1, 2016. Agrawal and B.S. It also restricted all construction activity “within 100 meters of the river” and made it clear no structure of any kind would be permitted to be raised, whether it is temporary, semi-permanent or permanent. end-of Location: India, Delhi, New Delhi. It, however, permitted river-rafting.S.The order came following a plea of an NGO Social Action for Forest and Environment against the “unregulated” operation of rafting camps in Rishikesh and other areas on the banks of the Ganga

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Garbage disposal is a huge problem in today

Google, Facebook, L&T, and even some schools have shown their interest in the project,” she said on a concluding note. Our customers are wearing these t-shirts on a daily basis. She adds, “‘All good.Talking about the feedback she has received for this initiative, the 35-year-old expresses, “People are enjoying the fabric and the tee’s China printed packaging film Manufacturers versatility. Yarn is then woven into fabric, dyed using eco-friendly processes, before the ocean-friendly t-shirt is finally ready. I spent the next two years in R&D to create fashionable apparel made of discarded, empty plastic juice bottles.All the world’s plastic! It is here, there, and everywhere — from straws to polybags, from tiffin boxes to soda bottles.

 The youth of today connects with sustainability and there is scope to make a unique identity for an initiative like ours because people are seeking and appreciating solutions that show responsibility towards the environment,” she adds. end-of Tags: atiya rakyan, cpcb.Take, for instance, Atiya Rakyan’s endeavour.

The learning amassed in this process led to the launch of RawCycle, making them the best available alternatives to recycled waste,” Atiya shares.Mumbai-based Atiya Rakyan takes your discarded plastic, processes it into fashionable tees, and gives it back to you thanks to her ingenious initiative that gets upcyling right. With this initiative, seven empty bottles get transformed into one t-shirt. No bad’ is the philosophy for a better planet. “I was in Nashik when I noticed large quantities of plastic bottles being treated as ‘garbage’. However, plastic bottles made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) are completely recyclable, although they are not biodegradable.”“Fashion has always been close to my heart and making recycling and upcycling cool was a challenge I was looking forward to.According to the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) report in 2017, it was estimated that around 25,940 tonnes of plastic waste is generated every day in India. This means a per capita plastic consumption of nearly 11 kilograms — a large part of this includes bottles, wrappers, bags, and sachets. However, it was in 2017 that she came up with an innovative recycling initiative.”The gathered plastic bottles are first washed and then chopped into flakes, which are later melted, shaped into chips, and extruded into yarn.

We started with our 1,500 t-shirt capsule collection and apart from general consumers, many of our existing partner organisations showed keen interest to join hands with us.2 million bottles for recycling and she has recently launched her first apparel collection that is made up of 95 per cent recycled plastic polyester and 5 per cent Dri Fit spandex. Being a committed proponent of sustainable living, she decided to follow an eco-friendly lifestyle. These t-shirts are available in different styles. But its negative effects on the environment cannot be discounted, and the world seems to be waking up to this reality.Atiya has already gathered 1.“Garbage disposal is a huge problem in today’s plastic crisis and we find people often aren’t aware of alternative solutions to manage disposal better

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Instead of disposing of waste collected af

However, piles of decaying trash are not only an eyesore, but are also slowly killing the environment. Earth 5R, a Powai-based organisation is ready with a troop of about 200 people to clean up Powai lake.Walking past a busy bus stop, crowded market or beach, one common sight that escapes no onlooker is that of garbage littered all around. Saurabh also makes China easy peel lidding film it a point to include local ragpickers in his endeavours.

A child plants a treeSaurabh believes that a clean-up should always be followed up with recycling.There won’t be a massive need of clean-up drives if the problem is solved at the root, which is the use of single-use plastic. Though there is a plastic ban in place, Elsie Gabriel, mentor, Climate Reality Project USA, believes that the law is not enough. And to help remind people to give up plastic and opt for reusable bags, the Young Environmentalist Programme Trust will be distributing cloth bags on June 5. “Apart from sending the waste for recycling, we also give plastic bottles to ragpickers and through them, we make sure it goes for recycling,” he says. “We have a ‘waste-to-livelihood’ model where we train people from slums about how to make innovative products from garbage. Apart from engaging in clean-up drives, Earth 5R also hosts training sessions at slums.

Young Environmentalist Prog-ramme Trust has been distributing cloth bags to the public for 12 years. They use papier-mâché and waste clothes to make interior decoration products,” he concludes.According to a report published by the Central Pollution Control Board in June 2013, Maharashtra produced over 1,000 tons of plastic waste. “The implementation is not enforced, and hen-ce people don’t follow it seriously,” says Elsie. Elsie’s organisation is also holding a tree-plantation drive in Hiranandani Gardens, but are only planting about 10 saplings. And steps need to be taken to solve the problem. On the occasion of World Environment Day, environmental organisations across the city are organising events and clean-up drives. The theme for this year is Beat Plastic Pollution, and India is the host.” Hence, this does not solve the problem.Volunteers at the tree planting sitePlastic is part of the problem, and to actually beautify the environment, increasing the number of trees in residential areas is crucial.

Instead of disposing of waste collected af-ter a clean-up in a dumping ground, they have tied up with recycling plants to utilise end-of Tags: world environment day, plastic. It is voicing an important mesغير مجاز مي باشدe: It’s not the quantity that matters, but the upkeep that is important.youngenvironmentalists. Their main policy is ‘No clean-up wit-hout recycling’,” says Saurabh G-upta, founder a-nd director, Earth 5R.The organisation is looking for volunteers for the drive and anyone willing to help can contact it at www. He says, “All clean-up drives become a garbage-shifting exercise and ultimately the garbage gets dumped from one eغير مجاز مي باشدystem to another

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